Looking for some fun slang words to express excitement? Check out our list of popular phrases like “hype” and “rush” with examples in context. Upgrade your vocabulary and add some spice to your conversations!
1. Hype
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a state of heightened excitement or anticipation, often generated by media or advertising.
Example sentences:
- The hype for the new album was intense, and it didn’t disappoint.
- He was hyped up for the big game, but it didn’t go as planned.
- The movie had a lot of hype, but it turned out to be pretty mediocre.
- The hype for the new restaurant was well-deserved, the food was amazing.
- Hype can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how it’s used.
2. Thrill
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of excitement or enjoyment, often associated with risk or danger.
Example sentences:
- The rollercoaster ride was a real thrill.
- He loves the thrill of skydiving, it’s the ultimate adrenaline rush.
- The horror movie gave her a thrill that lasted all night.
- Thrills can be addictive, people often seek out new experiences to get them.
- The thrill of winning the game was overwhelming.
3. Rush
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of intense excitement or euphoria, often associated with a physical or emotional experience.
Example sentences:
- The rush of the wind in his face was exhilarating.
- The concert gave her a rush of energy that lasted all night.
- The adrenaline rush from bungee jumping was intense.
- The rush of being on stage was addictive, he loved performing.
- Rushes can be dangerous if people don’t know how to handle them.
4. Adrenaline
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a hormone that is released by the body during times of stress or excitement, which can cause a feeling of heightened energy and awareness.
Example sentences:
- The adrenaline kicked in when he saw the car coming towards him.
- She loves the feeling of adrenaline when she’s skiing down a steep slope.
- Adrenaline can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do.
- The adrenaline rush from the fight made him feel invincible.
- Adrenaline is both a blessing and a curse, it can be helpful in emergencies but harmful if overused.
5. Buzz
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of excitement or enthusiasm, often associated with a social situation or a pleasant experience.
Example sentences:
- The buzz from the party lasted all week.
- She got a buzz from seeing her favorite band in concert.
- The new restaurant has been generating a lot of buzz lately.
- Buzzes can be hard to come by, but they’re always worth it.
- The buzz from winning the race was indescribable.
6. High
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of euphoria or excitement, often associated with drugs or alcohol.
Example sentences:
- He felt a high after taking the ecstasy pill.
- The high from smoking weed made him feel relaxed and happy.
- Highs can be dangerous if people don’t know how to handle them.
- The high from drinking too much alcohol can be debilitating.
- He was addicted to the high that came from gambling.
7. Energy
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of excitement or enthusiasm, often associated with a physical activity or a social situation.
Example sentences:
- The energy in the room was electric.
- He loves the energy that comes from playing sports with his friends.
- The energy of the city is what makes it so vibrant.
- High-energy people are often the life of the party.
- The energy of the concert was contagious.
8. Rush
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of intense excitement or thrill.
Example sentences:
- He loves the rush of skydiving.
- The rollercoaster provided an amazing rush.
- She gets a rush from public speaking.
- The rush of adrenaline kept him going.
- Rushing can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
9. Euphoria
Meaning – Slang term that refers to a feeling of intense happiness or pleasure, often accompanied by a sense of calm or contentment.
Example sentences:
- Winning the championship filled her with euphoria.
- She felt a sense of euphoria when she found out she got the job.
- Euphoria is the best feeling in the world.
- The drug induced a sense of euphoria in him.
- She’s always chasing that feeling of euphoria.
Wrap up
I hope you find the article “Slang Words for Excitement [With Sentence]” helpful.
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