9 Slang Words for Joint [With Sentence]

Discover the most popular slang words for joint, including “doobie” and “zoot.” Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the game, these terms are essential to know. Read on to learn how to incorporate them into your next smoke sesh!

1. Doobie

Meaning – a slang term for a marijuana cigarette or joint. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a fat doobie and passed it around.
  • The doobie can be a way to unwind and forget your troubles.
  • He’s always got a doobie in his pocket, just in case.
  • She loves smoking a doobie to relax after a long day.
  • The group gathered around to share a doobie and hang out.

2. J

Meaning – a slang term for a joint or marijuana cigarette. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a couple of Js and got ready to smoke.
  • She’s always got a J ready to go whenever she needs it.
  • The J can be a way to relieve stress and relax.
  • He’s trying to quit smoking Js and cut back on his marijuana use.
  • The friends passed the J around and enjoyed the high together.

3. Blunt

Meaning – a slang term for a cigar that has been hollowed out and filled with marijuana. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a blunt and lit it up for the group.
  • She loves smoking a blunt to get high and relax.
  • The blunt can be a way to enjoy marijuana in a different way than a joint or pipe.
  • He’s never tried a blunt before and is curious about the experience.
  • The friends shared a blunt and talked late into the night.

4. Spliff

Meaning – a slang term for a marijuana cigarette or joint that is mixed with tobacco. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a spliff and took a long drag.
  • She likes to smoke spliffs because they’re milder than regular joints.
  • The spliff can be a way to stretch out your marijuana supply and make it last longer.
  • He’s not a big fan of spliffs and prefers to smoke pure joints.
  • The friends shared a spliff and enjoyed the high together.

5. Roach

Meaning – a slang term for the end of a joint or marijuana cigarette that has already been smoked. 

Example sentences:

  • He saved the roach and used it to roll another joint later.
  • She always throws away the roach when she’s done smoking.
  • The roach can be a way to stretch out your marijuana supply and make it last longer.
  • He’s not a fan of smoking the roach and thinks it tastes bad.
  • The friends passed the roach around and shared the last of the joint.

6. Jay

Meaning – a slang term for a joint or marijuana cigarette. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a jay and sparked it up with his friends.
  • She prefers smoking jays over other forms of marijuana.
  • The jay can be a way to enjoy a quick high without having to smoke a lot.
  • He’s trying to cut back on smoking jays and use marijuana in moderation.
  • The group passed the jay around and talked about life.

7. Stogie

Meaning – a slang term for a cigar or blunt. 

Example sentences:

  • He loves smoking a stogie after a big meal.
  • She’s never tried smoking a stogie before and is curious about the experience.
  • The stogie can be a way to enjoy tobacco or marijuana in a different way than cigarettes.
  • He’s trying to quit smoking stogies and cut back on his tobacco use.
  • The friends shared a stogie and talked about their favorite things.

8. Left-handed cigarette

Meaning – a slang term for a joint or marijuana cigarette. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a left-handed cigarette and smoked it with his friends.
  • She loves smoking left-handed cigarettes and feeling the high.
  • The left-handed cigarette can be a way to enjoy marijuana in a discreet way.
  • He’s not a fan of smoking left-handed cigarettes and prefers other forms of marijuana.
  • The group passed the left-handed cigarette around and enjoyed the high together.

9. Zoot

Meaning – a slang term for a joint or marijuana cigarette that is large and contains a lot of marijuana. 

Example sentences:

  • He rolled up a massive zoot and challenged his friends to smoke it all.
  • She’s never smoked a zoot before and is curious about the experience.
  • The zoot can be a way to enjoy a long, intense high with friends.
  • He’s not sure if he can handle smoking a zoot and is hesitant to try.
  • The friends took turns smoking the zoot and feeling the high.

Wrap Up

I hope you find the article “9 Slang Words for Joint [With Sentence]” helpful.

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