Unlock the language of nothingness! Explore an extensive compilation of slang words for zilch. From “nada” to “bupkis,” delve into the captivating lexicon of zero and expand your linguistic repertoire. Discover the myriad ways to express emptiness and enhance your understanding of this intriguing slang phenomenon. Unleash your inner linguist with our ultimate guide to slang words for zilch.
1. Nada
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The project’s progress was nada after weeks of work.
- She received nada for her efforts.
- The meeting’s outcome was nada.
- The company’s profits were nada last quarter.
- The team’s chances of winning were nada.
2. Zip
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The new policy changed zip about the situation.
- The project’s progress was zip after months of work.
- She got zip recognition for her efforts.
- The company’s profits were zip after the loss.
- The team’s performance was zip in the game.
3. Zippo
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The new policy changed zippo about the situation.
- The project’s progress was zippo after months of work.
- She got zippo recognition for her efforts.
- The company’s profits were zippo last quarter.
- The team’s chances of winning were zippo.
4. Goose egg
Meaning – means “zero” or “zilch”
- The team scored a goose egg in the last game.
- The company’s profits were a goose egg after the loss.
- The project’s progress resulted in a goose egg.
- She got a goose egg for her hard work in the project.
- The meeting’s outcome was a goose egg.
5. Squat
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The plan achieved squat in terms of results.
- The company’s efforts amounted to squat.
- The meeting accomplished squat in terms of decision-making.
- The project’s progress was squat after months of work.
- The team’s performance was squat in the game.
6. Diddly-squat
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The new policy changed diddly-squat about the situation.
- The project’s progress was diddly-squat after months of work.
- The team’s performance in the game was diddly-squat.
- The company’s value was diddly-squat after the scandal.
- The product’s sales were diddly-squat after the launch.
7. Bupkis
Meaning – means “nothing” or “zilch”
- The initiative resulted in bupkis in terms of outcomes.
- The company’s profits were bupkis after the loss.
- She got bupkis for her efforts in the project.
- The meeting’s agenda was bupkis.
- The team’s chances of winning were bupkis.
Wrap Up
I hope you find the article “Slang words for zilch” helpful.